I like to make some comparisons in our own web site’s Google Analytics reports from year to year. It will tell you things in aggregate that you may have missed in a monthly review.
READ MORE »For Everyone
DNS Services “Invoice” Is A Scam
You may get this in the mail. We did today. Toss it. Do not fall for it. It is a scam. It is made to look like an invoice, but we have never heard of this company before today, and obviously we don’t use their services.
READ MORE »Analytics Assistance
Next month we’re starting a mailing marketing campaign for our services to help web site owners with analytics.
READ MORE »Domain Registrars Ain’t Sexy, But…
Most of us don’t think very much about Domain Registrars. It’s where we initially register a domain name, and then we renew the domain registration in the future. Contact with the Registrar is minimal.
READ MORE »The Thanksgiving Web Traffic Lull
Now this is a generality, of course… Just for reference for those who have not been tracking their web site traffic: for sites that are generally equal in effort in October and November and do not have a seasonal attraction in November or October, we almost always see about a drop in unique visitors to […]