We think other organizations might benefit from trying to use the mail to drive web traffic – if you can target appropriately.
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Web-Related Questions, Mid-February 2018
Making sure a web site functions properly goes beyond the coding of the web site. Issues arise that require investigation of both the issue and the options for solving it. Those questions go to the person most responsible for the web site. Here are just a few from the past week.
READ MORE »One of the most annoying things about spammers, hackers, and general Internet scum
One of the most annoying things about spammers, hackers, and general Internet scum is…
They use holidays and days of special events against the people they are attacking.
READ MORE »So How Many Accounts Does Your Web Site Have?
It is going to be a greater and greater issue for all of us. Eventually, we will all be using an account to manage our accounts.
READ MORE »Facebook “Help” Groups for Software
Software “user” groups need a selectivity of those who actually use the software, and require measurement of credibility and activity by participants.