Developing your web site by committee seems like a great concept, but our experience is that generally it is performed in a poor fashion.
READ MORE »For Associations
Web Site Owners: Know Your Internal Resources
One of the hard things for organizations to do is distinguish the difference between what your organization CAN release as a website with the assistance of developers, and what they can maintain without paid assistance of developers.
READ MORE »How Do I Get Our Members to Log Into Our New Wild Apricot Web Site?
You have to email them so they know they need to create a password for their email login so they can access.
READ MORE »Wild Apricot and “Details to Show”
From our experience, the import/export process of “Details to Show” is a frustrating experience as both the editing process and the importing process really are not well documented nor are they very consistent in actually working. But there is a workaround.
READ MORE »Wild Apricot Training For Our Clients
Sometimes prospective web site development clients ask us: How do we train our clients to use Wild Apricot?