We hoped some might find it entertaining.
READ MORE »Author: Wayne
Creating A Customized Contact Form on a Wild Apricot Web Site
So, you need a customized contact form on a page within a Wild Apricot hosted web site? Your options are very limited using Wild Apricot at this time, so you’re probably looking at a plug-in that you can use some plug in code as a Snippet to build the form.
READ MORE »If You Are Going To Completely Run Your WordPress Site…
There should ALWAYS be someone with the responsibility for monitoring the server setup and the responsibility for maintaining WordPress and any other software updates that occur for a WordPress web site.
READ MORE »Setting Up Email: Of MX Records and Forwards
Ten years ago, when we developed a web site, we usually were also responsible for the creation of mailboxes that connected to the domain. We would have to provide SMTP and POP server information and provide management rules for spamfilters, acceptable attachment sizes, etc.