I have belonged to volunteer organizations, and I have been in various roles at a volunteer organization, including President.
Our company also provides service to volunteer organizations (for fee) and have done so for many years.
The web is a place where volunteer organizations can lose their way. Unless a volunteer organization has long-standing board members that continue in their same roles and responsibilities, information can be lost. Often, when we are talking to a strictly volunteer organization about their website and what we can do for them, the very first thing we have to do is provide them a roadmap of information they need to get, including:
Domain registration account credentials
Hosting credentials
Any software licenses
Software credentials
Analytics and email accounts
Any other accounts attached to the website
Sometimes volunteers don’t even know who has this information in their organization. Sometimes that person is no longer in the organization; once, that person was no longer alive.
Long-term record keeping at strictly volunteer organizations is not a strong or all-that-common trait. Each officer is looking at their window of service and perhaps the next hand off, and not necessarily thinking about what should be done for long-term.
If a volunteer organization hires somebody to help take care of their website, it may be best to vest that contractor with the responsibility of record keeping for the web site. That way, the organization doesn’t have to find 5-7 contacts and coordinate with them, but has just one organization to deal with, and if there comes a time, to transfer away from. And it might be the greatest chance of years-based continuity for this information in the organization.