New customers with WordPress problems

We get inquiries from prospects that currently have a WordPress site that has some sort of problem with it. It is usually either a problem with their web person’s ability or interest in fixing that problem.

In order for us to take such prospects on as a client, we need to review the site from the admin side, meaning we need an administrator login to the WordPress site. We may need access to the hosting administration as well if the issue is related to that. A problem in WordPress can be fairly straightforward, or it can be a combination of issues causing it. It usually takes a longer look to make sure you have it determined.

We don’t work on a project basis, but on an annual contract basis. Sometimes prospective clients are hoping for a one time fix. We can tell you from experience, if your web site has a problem that you can see and your web person isn’t fixing it, you probably have more problems than what you know. Your web person/team has to keep up with how your site uses WordPress and how WordPress and the entire related software community is evolving. That’s not a project, that is a process. As a business, we only invest our time in the process. We think everyone else should as well.